Blackletter Studios has officially made a groundbreaking leap into the video game space. Fueled by a vision to bring its signature immersive storytelling to digital screens, Blackletter recently welcomed Brian Ford as a new partner, marking a pivotal shift in the studio’s growth and ambition. Ford, a skilled coder and seasoned project manager and owner of Aether Flash Productions, joins the team with a mission to bridge Blackletter’s tabletop roots into the dynamic world of video games.
Ford’s journey to join the Blackletter team began with a recent trip to Edmonton, Alberta, where he met with one of the studio’s founders, Tanner Augier. The in-person meeting solidified their shared goals and excitement for the studio’s transition. Ford’s expertise in game development management and code integration has enabled the studio to streamline its transition into video game production without compromising the rich narrative quality that fans of Blackletter have come to expect.
“Bringing Brian into the fold has been a game-changer for us,” said Tanner Augier, co-founder of Blackletter Studios. “His technical expertise and project management skills have inspired new levels of creativity within our team. This new partnership allows us to explore worlds we’ve only dreamed of until now.” Ford’s onboarding has been instrumental in the development of PURGALIMINAL, an official video game adaptation of the popular YouTube series by YOURLOCALBREADMAN, marking Blackletter’s debut title in the video game industry.
Joining Augier and Ford on this ambitious project are Zach Maly, the game’s coder and creative writer, Josh Arndt, co-founder and serving as project lead and creative director, and Walter Black, who brings depth to the narrative as creative writer and editor. The team has collaborated closely with YOURLOCALBREADMAN to faithfully capture the eerie, surreal universe that fans adore, now in an interactive digital format.